Synchronicity presupposes connection to a common unit of psychological and physical events that have no causal link between them. It reveals an aspect of the unity of existence.
Synchronicity allows us to test our choices in order to see if they are good for us or not, and this happens when many “coincidences” are perceived as significant, i.e. as signs that focus our attention on a path/ choice. The path connected with synchronicity balances the body, the heart and the mind at the same time, as it leads us on the path of our Higher Self and is in harmony with the general flow of the Whole. Following signs means listening to the deeper knowledge and feeling that corresponds to it. Feeling of life in lightness and acceptance.
An open and calm mind is crucial to synchronicity. If this condition is not met, the signs may be burdened with connections that are not appropriate due to fears and desire to control life. Therefore, in order to maintain a clear mind, it is important to have a deep self-knowledge of the unconscious layers of the psyche, as well as the regular practice of meditation.
Learning to work with synchronicity is an art, as it requires to constantly monitor the signs and then take action that we test over time. To this end, we need to learn to see the big steps in our own life path from above, and also to use facts and reason to refine our smaller next steps forward.
Exercise for noticing and reading signs
Ask yourself a question, then go for a walk-in nature, repeating it many times. Pay attention to the things that catch your attention and their sequence. Give free associations for each of them and connect them to the question.
You can look for answers in dreams in a similar way. Take your time in bed just before you go to sleep. Set an intention to receive signs in your dream that will point you in the right direction to resolve a situation or confirm to you that you are already on it. Dreams are more difficult to interpret, because our unconscious psyche often uses plots and elements from familiar situations of our everyday life – from movies, books, shared stories.
However, in a dream, there are always different elements and subsequently, while free associating could lead you to the answer to your question, which at first glance has nothing to do with the dream. More about the dreams is coming soon – what is their function and how we can connect with and use their messages.
The process of searching, understanding and interpreting synchronistic events is an action. Activeness. And it is important because by practicing it you “shift” future probabilities every time you do something. This is especially true when deciding on an action that is not “typical” for you, and thus, leaving your comfort zone, you open up a whole range of new opportunities. This new experience, in turn, develops parts of yourself that were unconscious until then, and this, in itself, is the path of spiritual development and the idea of becoming whole and more authentic – become more yourself!
Of course, not everyone is able to interpret signs on their own, but if you find meaning in this, look for support from someone who can. Usually, the interpretation of signs becomes much easier with the help of an external, possibly neutral and objective mind that could help you to “see” the connections. We often unconsciously avoid them, but the explanation could be rooted there.
One of the main obstacles that would block the free flow of signs or synchronicities is impatience, and it stems from the lack of trust that everything happens in the best way for you. If we put security and happiness in the first place far ahead of the path of development and connection with the Whole, then we cut off communication with the Universe and stop the abundance of opportunities that would open up to us.
To trust means to be guided by love, not fears and desire to control. When a person wants to receive a sign or is unsure whether the sign seen is not “invented” by himself, it is important to realize whether his energy is in harmony with his sense of love or fear. To do this, observe how you feel. Whether you feel peace, lightness and unity with the outside world or tension, impatience and a strong desire to control things.
If you need to adjust to the correct vibration, sit comfortably, close your eyes and “walk” on the outer shell and the inside of your body, observing the processes during each inhalation and exhalation. This aims to relieve internal tension and shift the focus from the mind to the body in order to harmonize with it.
Synchronicity and responsibility
After all, when one is guided by the signs and their clear mind, one makes choices and therefore becomes the cause of what happens as a consequence. This is one of the hermetic principles – “every cause has its consequence and every consequence has its cause”. Everything happens in accordance with the Principle of Cause and Effect, and nothing ever happens “just like that” by chance. Most people feel “obliged” to obey circumstances and people who are stronger than them, thus giving responsibility for their own lives to something outside of themselves. However, when they learn to use the Principle, instead of becoming its tool or, worse, the victim, they begin to make free choices and thus become the cause and not the consequence.
Read more about synchronicity and its connection with free choice here.
If you have specific questions related to your experience and you need help reading and interpreting it, do not hesitate to contact me.