"There is no light without shadow
and no psychic wholeness without imperfection.
To round itself out life calls
not for perfection but for completeness;
and for this the "thorn in the flesh" is needed,
the suffering of defects
without which there is no progress
and no ascent."

~ C.G. Jung



Jungian Analysis is a psychotherapeutic approach in which the therapist and client work together with unconscious elements coming from the psyche, in the form of dreams, fantasies, memories and current events of everyday life. This process illuminates the depths of our unconscious and unexperienced parts, leading to the natural understanding of our fears, motivations, passions, defenses, insecurities, as well as the relationships that we sustain with the people around us. Over time, by means of perseverance and a good relationship with the therapist, a person develops awareness, improves mental health and begins to feel inner stability even in the natural periods of crisis and changes that accompany us in life. This leads to mental, emotional and spiritual maturation of the personality and a general sense of meaning and well-being, which does not depend on the circumstances of life, as it results from a complete change in a person's perception of the world.


Art therapy is an approach through which a person expresses the unconscious parts of the psyche, in the form of drawings, sculptures, collages, photos, etc., which play the role of metaphors for our feelings, behaviors and choices. The images and symbols that appear have the ability to reflect the current state, both mentally and physically. During the creative act, one begins to realize the limitations of one's current way of thinking and perceiving the world. This type of expression is driven by the creative and unconscious part of the psyche, inherent in every human being, which makes this psychotherapeutic method extremely suitable for children and adults of all ages. You do not need to have any artistic talent to use this approach, as it does not seek aesthetic evaluation, but rather find with the help of the therapist connections between the creative choices of the client and his inner world.


The main goal of sand therapy is to help a person process a current problem in his life, which he fails to deal with through a completely verbal approach. Like art therapeutic practices, one has the opportunity to spontaneously express one's unconscious attitude towards a specific situation, which allows work at deeper levels. The tactile sensation of touch and play with the sand is in itself therapeutic, reducing anxiety and helping a person's self-regulation. Moreover, the sandbox provides the necessary distance to work with highly negative memories and emotions and helps to avoid our inner defenses. Last but not least, the figurines used in sand therapy allow a person to connect with various aspects of their inner world that are difficult to verbalize, thus helping to start the inner healing processes.

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